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Dinesh = POS

"The man is a menace!"
-Judge Smails

Dinesh D'Souza. He is certainly more intelligent and more educationally-decorated than I am, and could no doubt debate me under a table. If you're a fan of his, you might want to stop reading now, because things are only gonna go downhill from here.

Hero to the anti-Obama nation, Dinesh has vaulted to conservative stardom by writing books like "The Roots of Obama's Rage," "Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream," and "America: Imagine a World Without Her," the latter two of which have been made into documentary films.

He is also something else: a convicted felon. Two days ago, he was sentenced to five years probation, eight months in "community confinement" (halfway house), a $30K fine, weekly therapy, and one day of community service per week of his probation for making illegal campaign contributions.

Later that night, Dinesh was on Fox talking victimization, how he beat the lefty system, and why he didn't feel subject to strict sentencing guidelines. Watch the interview here.

I have a problem with Dinesh. And it's not with his love of, and defense of, capitalism. Capitalism is sweet. And America is the bomb, yo! My biggest problem with him is the way he twists people's words and purports to know what their thoughts or intentions are. This is what I like to call the Dinesh Drinking Game! Everyone gather 'round for their first shot! It's easy. For an example, watch that Fox clip above. You only have to go in 40 seconds until you hear Obama's infamous "You didn't build that" soundbite. What follows is where you take a drink...whenever Dinesh says "What he/she is really saying/thinking..." Play this game, and I promised you'll be enjoying projectile vomiting or having your stomach pumped by the end of the night!

I'm giving away this magician's trick. Dinesh's formula has become simple. He already has a built in audience of conservatives and Obama-haters. All he has to do to please that audience is find an engine in the form of a suitable quote or a page from the history books, and then he can fabricate whatever far-fetched, groan-inducing generalized notion that he claims "the administration," or Obama, or "the left" wants or thinks and hitch it to that engine. And it does wonders to pull his followers along for the ride. Lack of facts and errors in logic are not just welcomed, but necessary, in Dinesh's World.

So why put so much work into this magic act? Good question. I don't know. If I were to assume anything about the man, I would be stooping to his level. But it is undisputed that spewing this concoction of hatred and logical missteps has generated both fame and fortune for him. "Several" (according to Wiki) of his books have been bestsellers; his movies have brought in nearly $40 million in box office receipts. The judge in his campaign contribution case cited Dinesh's net worth at $5 million.

The magic trick he is performing... getting into wallets.

It's happening all over. It's too easy. People with built-in political audiences see dollar signs everywhere. O'Reilly is killing it with the series of books he's crapping out. Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin with their fancy buses and "Will she or won't she run?" tours...all complete with books and movies to hock and contributions they (or their Super PACs) are all too happy to collect.

We are fools. We flock to their words as if they are comfort food to us. We don't bother to try anything different on the menu; we would rather have bucket after bucket of their comfort food slopped onto our trays.

Deny these people access to your wallets and access to your brains; they will steal from both.

The level of close-mindedness is getting intolerable to me. Would you like to know the extent of the craziness? I'll tell you where I found the most rational, open-minded thoughts - on the comments section of this Glenn Beck post! In case you blacked out for a quick minute, you read correctly. I found sanity from the comments section of a Glenn Beck column! Glenn Beck... (panting) ...commenters... (gasping) I'm short of breath here. You'll have to read on without me for a minute. Here's what they have to say:

(Haha - couldn't resist including that extra jab at Rush. So sue me...)

There is no shortage of pundits around. And similarly, no shortage of those who attempt to profit or gain exposure from simply having a viewpoint. But there is something I find particularly nefarious about Dinesh D'Souza. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it is how he seems so sincere...intellectual...researched... And the way he presents his arguments make you seem anti-American if you disagree. But his facade and his formula are so easy to crack. I can't not expose him. He's taking advantage of people, people I wish would think for themselves. Conduct like his should be insulting to everyone, no matter where you fall on the political spectrum.

Moreover, as Yoda would say, "The hypocrisy is strong in this one." If you want to read about the alleged abuse of his wife and subsequent affair+divorce, knock yourself out. (It's not like conservatives uphold any talking points about the "sanctity of marriage" or anything like that.) That's not what I'm here for. But here is a great blurb for you (if you're not tired of Glenn Beck yet) regarding what Dinesh thinks about immigration and law-breakers:

Whew. "Laws," "system," "set of rules," "I would not have sympathy for people...flouting the rules."

Yet, when he breaks the rules... "The government tried to get me."

Gerald Molen, producer of "2016: Obama's America," said about Dinesh's sentence, "Putting him behind bars would have served no useful purpose."

I'd argue Dinesh serves no useful purpose out of jail either.
